Award | Title | Author(s) |
1st Best Paper | Modeling the Benefits of a Marriage Reverse Annuity Contract with Dependency Assumptions Using Archimedean Copula | Arnhilda Aspasia Lundy, Mila Novita, Ida Fithriani |
2nd Best Paper | Digital Literacy in Mediating the Influence of Education, Demography, and Employment on Poverty in Indonesia | Satria Liswanda, Rini Oktavia, Rahma Zuhra |
Best Presenter | Study of Economic Vulnerability and Its Influence on the Economy in Sumatera Island Using the Household Consumption Expenditure Approach | Adin Nugroho, Prientananda Ghina Salsabila |
Award | Title | Author(s) |
1st Best Paper | Granular and Cost-Effective of Mosquito Habitat Suitability Index in Malaria Endemic Areas of West Papua: A Low and Medium Resolution Optical Satellite Imageries Approach | Nur Ainun Daulay, Salwa Rizqina Putri, Arie Wahyu Wijayanto |
2nd Best Paper | Curating Multimodal Satellite Imagery for Precision Agriculture Datasets with Google Earth Engine | Bagus Setyawan Wijaya, Rinaldi Munir, Nugraha Priya Utama |
Best Presenter | Air Pollution in Jakarta, Indonesia Under Spotlight: An AI-Assisted Semi-Supervised Learning Approach | Harun Al Azies |
Award | Title | Author(s) |
Best Paper | Development of Paddy Yield Gap Between Java and Outside Java: Does It Have a Contribution to Paddy Yield Improvement from 2018 to 2021? | Kadir Ruslan, Octavia Rizky Prasetyo |
Best Presenter | Harnessing Blockchain in BPS-Statistics Indonesia Microdata Dissemination: A Case Study of Microdata Tracking Mechanism | Florencia Satwika Genah, Dea Venditama |
Jl. Otto Iskandardinata No.64C Jakarta 13330